Give us your schedule/when you think you will be online, please include correct GMT so we don't miss you by one hour to early or late
I'm on pretty much all day if I can but, I'll write some times
During weekdays - 12-03 (Yup pretty much all day) but my cousin often comes over to play so he switch with me every now and then.. but if my internet works and I got nothing else to do, expect to see me online..
Weekend - 10-05 (Pretty much the same) but weekend are made for parties so.. I might not be here all the time(execpt on sunday when we have training schedule'd)
This is the time checker part .. WD stands for Weekdays, and WE stands for Weekends (this will be updated when you write your time)
Groet - GMT+1
WD - 12:00 - 03:00 (12AM - 03AM)
WE - 10:00 - 05:00(10AM - 05AM)
rYuUma - GMT+1
WD - around 19:00 (7PM)
WE - 12:00(12AM-tired)